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Press Releases

Perry Rejects Partisan Impeachment Push

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Congressman Scott Perry offered the following statement after voting to reject the Articles of Impeachment against President Donald J. Trump:   “The Framers of our Constitution insisted that impeachment is for “High Crimes and Misdemeanors,” not political games. I’ve sat in on every impeachment hearing except one, to include the interviews held in secret. This process has nothing…

Perry Again Demands Overhaul of Federal Spending Process

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Washington, D.C. – Congressman Scott Perry blasted Congressional leadership for continued fiscal mismanagement, after the House of Representatives passed a 2,300 page, year-long spending package only 12 hours after the text was made available to Members of Congress and the public. “At a time while when the United States economy is experiencing the longest sustained period of growth in…

Perry Lauds USMCA, Blasts Glaring Partisanship

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Congressman Scott Perry offered the following statement in response to the announcement of an agreement between President Trump and House Democrats on the United States - Mexico - Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA): “While the radical left is trying to remove him from Office, President Trump continues to deliver profound results for the American People. Our economy is growing stronger…

Perry Responds to First Public Impeachment Hearing

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Congressman Scott Perry offered the following comment upon the completion of the first public impeachment hearing on November 13, 2019: "The radical left is relying on hearsay from two people who never spoke to the President about his dealings with Ukraine. As a Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I’ve attended nearly all of the closed-door hearings in the SCIF. The…

Pennsylvania Congressional Republicans Blast Sham Impeachment

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Washington, D.C. – Eight Members of the Pennsylvania Republican Congressional Delegation (Congressmen Scott Perry, Lloyd Smucker, John Joyce, MD, Mike Kelly, Fred Keller, Guy Reschenthaler, Glenn "GT" Thompson and Dan Meuser) offered the following statement after voting to block Speaker Pelosi and Intelligence Committee Chairman Schiff’s last-minute vote to legitimize the baseless push to…

Perry Responds to Democrat Impeachment Push

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Congressman Scott Perry offered the following statement after Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) launched a formal impeachment inquiry in the United States House of Representatives against President Donald J. Trump: "Democrats have been trying get rid of this President since before he was even sworn into Office. Speaker Pelosi’s decision to pursue impeachment - based on unsubstantiated,…

Congressman Perry Delivers U.S. Secret Service School Threat Experts to Train Local Educators, Improve Safety

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Tags: Education

Middletown, PA – As the new school year approaches, Congressman Scott Perry hosted a United States Secret Service seminar for over 130 educators and school administrators, representing nearly 50 public and private schools from around the region, to bolster school safety. Every public school in Pennsylvania’s 10th Congressional District was on hand for the seminar. “We love our…

Perry Rejects Spending Free-for-All

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Washington, D.C. – Congressman Scott Perry voted against H.R. 3877 Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019, a bipartisan deal that brazenly ignores fiscal responsibility, busts through federal spending caps and eliminates the federal debt ceiling for the next two years.     “Reckless spending isn’t what my constituents sent me here to support, which is why I won’t support…

Congressman Scott Perry Offers Student Loan Reform Proposal

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Tags: Education

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Scott Perry offered a new legislative proposal to address the $1 trillion student loan crisis and exploding cost of higher education. H.R. 3786, the Student Loan Reform Act, encourages colleges and universities to co-sign student loans with their student borrowers, which will help drive down the cost of borrowing for students, and encourage universities to…