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Perry Honored with FreedomWorks 2019 "FreedomFighter" Award

FreedomWorks announced today that U.S. Representative Scott Perry (PA-10) has earned the 2019 FreedomFighter Award. This annual award recognizes legislators whose voting record indicates a strong support of economic freedom and personal liberty.

“I’m proud to have again earned the FreedomFighter Award, and will continue to support policies that reduce the size of government and promote individual liberties,” said Congressman Perry.“The principles of limited government and personal freedoms, on which our Nation was founded, remain critical to ensuring our continued independence and prosperity.”

"This is Rep. Scott Perry's (R-Pa.) fifth consecutive FreedomFighter Award. Rep. Perry is a rarity in Washington in that he consistently prioritizes the Constitution and the principle of limited government before political considerations, especially on environmental and energy policy critical to our Nation's success. He is a shining example of what it looks like to take the Oath of Office seriously. We look forward to working with him for years to come," said FreedomWorks President Adam Brandon.

FreedomWorks is an organization dedicated to building, educating, and mobilizing the largest network of activists advocating the principals of smaller government, lower taxes, free market, personal liberty, and the rule of law.