Press Releases
Perry Joins Lawsuit Against Proxy Voting
May 27, 2020
Congressman Scott Perry (PA-10) issued the following statement after filing a lawsuit in D.C. Federal District Court challenging the constitutionality of proxy voting in the U.S. House of Representatives. Earlier this month, House Democrats (along party lines) passed H.Res. 965, which changed House Rules to allow proxy voting.
“Our Founding Fathers, in crafting Article I of the U.S. Constitution, clearly intended that Congress conduct its official business in the U.S. Capitol. For more than 230 years and through many challenges – to include wars and disease outbreaks on our own soil - Members of Congress assembled in Washington to fulfill their constitutional duties and vote on behalf of the Americans they’re elected to represent. Speaker Pelosi’s proxy voting scheme is yet another overt power grab – during a grave public health emergency, no less - and violates the U.S. Constitution. I’m extremely concerned that these antics endanger the legality of any legislation passed in this manner and will nullify the work of Congress at a time when Members already should be working overtime to move our Country forward. Since the Rule change, at least 72 Democrats notified the House Clerk of their intention to have another Member of Congress vote on their behalf. So now we have Members voting for other Members’ constituents? This is a breathtaking dereliction of duty.” The lawsuit was filed along with 20 Republican Members and four American citizens. |