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Press Releases

Statement on House Speaker's Race

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“I joined with a supermajority of the House Freedom Caucus last night to support Paul Ryan's bid to become the next Speaker of the House. Paul Ryan is the most conservative candidate for Speaker who could secure the necessary votes within the Republican Conference.  Ryan has been a leader on developing conservative solutions to confronting our Nation’s unsustainable debt and…

Perry Legislation to Make DHS More Efficient Passes U.S. House

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Washington, D.C. – Three legislative measures sponsored by U.S. Rep. Scott Perry passed the U.S. House last night as part of a package of bills (H.R. 3572) designed to make critical reforms to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. H.R. 3572 now heads to the U.S. Senate for consideration. Making DHS More Efficient Incorporated into H.R. 3572 was a bill to streamline the purchasing…

Statement on House Speaker Election

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"Kevin McCarthy is a good man and I continue to have the utmost respect for him. Since Speaker Boehner announced his decision to resign two weeks ago, I have strongly opposed the decision to rush these Leadership elections. The Republican Conference should conduct a thorough and transparent process wherein candidates can make their case for a positive, conservative governing vision for…

Perry Amendments to Strengthen Airline Security and Make DHS More Efficient and Transparent Pass Homeland Security Committee

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Washington, D.C. – After an internal investigation revealed that undercover investigators were able to smuggle mock explosives or banned weapons through security checkpoints in 95 percent of covert tests at dozens of our nation’s busiest airports, an amendment by U.S. Rep. Scott Perry to strengthen airport security measures is moving forward. A recent report by the Department of…

Statement on House Passage of Two-Month Continuing Resolution

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Do you know anyone who thinks our Nation is going in the right direction? I don’t either – but voting for this continuing resolution is tantamount to saying the status quo is just fine. Well it isn’t; and I’m voting no. This legislation didn’t go through the regular appropriations process – which allows Members of Congress to review all government programs to ensure taxpayer money isn’t…

Statement on Speaker John Boehner's Resignation

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“I thank John Boehner for his service to our country. Speaker Boehner didn’t have an easy job. Though I’ve emphatically shared my policy disagreements with him, I still respect him.  His decision to resign and put the Republican Conference and the institution before himself is indicative of the man’s character. Our Nation has undergone similar moments of major political change in the…

Statement on Pope Francis' Address to Congress

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Welcoming His Holiness Pope Francis to the United States and celebrating the first ever Papal address to Congress was a true, humbling honor. Calling America “the land of the free and the home of the brave”, Pope Francis paid tribute to the American people who “strive each day to do an honest day’s work, to bring home their daily bread, to save money and – one step at a time – to build a…

Statement on House Passage of H.R. 3134, the Defund Planned Parenthood Act

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The debate over funding Planned Parenthood has nothing to do with being “pro-life” or “pro-choice”; constituents on both sides of this issue tell me they’re sickened by the videos where Planned Parenthood officials nonchalantly discuss the killing of babies and harvesting their organs for scientific research. This moratorium will give Congress the time to investigate whether Planned…

Rep. Scott Perry released the following statement in remembrance of the horrific events of 9-11-01

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          “Like most Americans, I remember the morning of September 11, 2001, like it was yesterday. The tragic events of that day affected each of us in different ways, but we all remember where we were and who we were with when we heard the terrible news.  America has not yet healed from the wounds of those cowardly and terrifying…

Statement on Vote Against Iran Nuclear Agreement

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This week, I voted for legislation that clearly shows how the President failed to fully comply with the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act because he hadn’t submitted the side agreements negotiated between the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Iran to Congress.  This meant that the congressional review period established by that law hadn’t begun, and the President could…