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Fighting for Affordable and Reliable Energy


The consequences of the Biden-Harris administration’s war on affordable, reliableAmerican-made energy are clear—market distortions and rising costs for consumers across the country. Throughout the 118th Congress, I have fought against these anti-energy, anti-growth policies by introducing legislation and amendments, and holding Biden administration officials accountable during committee hearings. So far, I’ve introduced 10 bills,12 amendments, and spoke at more than 12 committee hearings to fight for the Keystone State’s energy interests.

I’m proud to highlight these key accomplishments in the fight for American energy dominance below.

Bills and Amendments Introduced to Fight for Energy Dominance

I introduced the Repeal CAFE Standards Act, which repeals the Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency (CAFE) standards that artificially inflate vehicle prices and are being manipulated by the Biden Administration to push a backdoor electric vehicle mandate.

The Eliminating the RFS and Its Destructive Outcomes Act, which I introducedrepeals the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) that mandates the blending of ethanol into vehicle fuels. The regulatory burdens of this program drive up fuel costs, kill jobs, and increase food prices by diverting corn to ethanol production. As fuel prices rise, so does the cost of everything that relies on transportation.

My DRILL Now Act prohibits various River Basin Commissions from banning hydraulic fracturing in Pennsylvania – allowing Pennsylvanians to exercise their mineral rights and ensures PA continues to be a leading producer of natural gas. You can watch my floor speech here. You can watch my hearing here.

I introduced the UNFCCC Withdrawal to withdraw the U.S. from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, ensuring that global elites can no longer impose their agenda on American energy policy.

My Restoring Vehicle Market Freedom Act repeals various tax handouts for electric vehicles, ensuring that consumers can choose what kind of car they want to drive and don’t have to pay for the forced transition to electric vehicles. You can watch my floor speech here.

Holding the Biden Admin Accountable for Anti-Energy Policies During Committee Hearings


Brandon Shores Powerplant Shutdown

An agreement between the radical pro-Green New Deal Sierra Club and the Brandon Shores powerplant in Baltimore is forcing a perfectly functional powerplant to close, which will lead to rolling blackouts in Baltimore and surrounding areas. Their solution? Use eminent domain to seize Pennsylvanian land to supply electricity to Baltimore. If powerplants are so dangerous, how is taking Pennsylvania’s energy and land the solution? I questioned the Secretary of Energy on this absurd plan during committee.

Auto Industry Loses Billions on EV Production

The Biden administration is artificially increasing demand for electric vehicles, causing American automakers to lose billions. At a House Oversight and Accountability Committee hearing, I asked Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm if the administration plans to bail out automakers after bankrupting them with their green agenda. Consumers should decide the future of the auto industry—not government mandates. 

Questioning Biden Admin on Funding EV Chargers in Gaza to "Combat" Belt and Road Initiative

Shockingly, President Biden is using taxpayer dollars meant to counter the Chinese Communist Party’s Belt and Road Initiative to install electric vehicle chargers in Gaza. At a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing in May, I pressed the U.S. Development Finance Corporation on this reckless misuse of funds. This is yet another glaring example of the administration’s willingness to abuse taxpayer dollars to advance its green agenda, even in a war zone. 

Energy News

Constellation - Microsoft deal helps prepare launch of PA energy center, restart of nuclear reactor
Pennsylvania Business Report - Sept 23, 2024

“I’m proud to see the launch of the Crane Clean Energy Center,” U.S. Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) said. “This critical step forward will ensure Pennsylvania has sufficient baseload power to meet its needs for decades to come while producing 3,400 jobs in our community. 

Constellation to Launch Crane Clean Energy Center, Restoring Jobs and Carbon-Free Power to The Grid
Constellation - Sept 20, 2024

“I’m proud to see the launch of the Crane Clean Energy Center,” said U.S. Congressman Scott Perry. “This critical step forward will ensure Pennsylvania has sufficient baseload power to meet its needs for decades to come while producing 3,400 jobs in our community. Thank you to Constellation Energy for working to bring this economic driver back to South Central Pennsylvania.”

Ogles and House Colleagues introduce bill to curb EV spending
Washington Examiner - June 21, 2024

Ogles’s argument that EVs are owned by the wealthy has support. Electric vehicles cost about $10,000 more than gas-powered vehicles on average. Reps. Scott Perry (R-PA), Bob Good (R-VA), Cory Mills (R-FL), Matt Rosendale (R-MT), Randy Weber (R-TX), and Ralph Norman (R-SC) are co-sponsoring the bill.

Congressman Perry Introduces the Energy Sovereignty Act
March 19, 2024

“The Energy Sovereignty Act will stop federal bureaucrats from executing environmental power grabs at the behest of those outside our Nation,” said Rep. Scott Perry. “Our States are best equipped to manage their own environmental standards, and it’s time to return the power to them.”

Congressman Perry Introduces Bills to Thwart President Biden’s Defense Production Act Manipulation
March 15, 2024

“Americans are so opposed to expensive, unreliable, ‘green’ energy solutions - that President Biden must invoke the DPA to get companies to produce solar panels and electric vehicles,” said Rep. Scott Perry. Exploiting the DPA to flood the market with cars that don’t work in the cold and energy sources that don’t work in the shade does nothing to help the American People and our businesses – let alone national security.”