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Perry’s Proposals Clear Committee

Bills Adjust Drone Policies and Background Checks for Federal Contractors

Washington, D.C. – The House Homeland Security Committee passed two of Congressman Scott Perry’s bills during a mark-up this morning: H.R. 6438, the DHS Countering Unmanned Aircraft Systems Coordinator (CUAS) Act; and H.R. 6374, the Security and Fitness Information Transparency (FIT) Act of 2018.

“Both proposals are common sense adjustments to our national policies. HR 6438 helps protect Americans from potential terrorist attacks as the use of unmanned aircraft and drone technology becomes more prevalent. HR 6374 is an administrative fix to reduce the costs of privately contracted federal projects, saving the taxpayer resources without sacrificing rigorous security requirements. I’m pleased that both proposals cleared the first of several legislative hurdles and thank Chairman McCaul for his efforts to get these out of Committee.”

H.R. 6438, CUAS, creates a coordinator position at DHS for counter-drone policies, paving the way for future innovation in this arena.

H.R. 6374, the Fit Act, helps ensure that our federal contractors are held to rigorous, uniform standards.

The Committee marked up several pieces of legislation in the Homeland Security arena. The replay of the markup is available here.

Both bills await consideration by the full House.