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Press Releases

Veterans Day Message from Rep. Scott Perry

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    "As we mark Veterans Day, Americans are united in honoring the service and sacrifice of our Nation’s Veterans who have earned our respect and gratitude. Today we pause to honor and commemorate the service members who wore - or still wear - the uniform of our country and sacrificed so that we may enjoy the blessings of freedom. Although words seem insufficient to convey our…

Career and Technical Education Can Help Build a Skilled Workforce and Create Job Opportunities

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U.S. Representative Scott Perry (PA-4) recently joined U.S. Representative Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson (PA-5), Co-Chairman of the bipartisan Congressional Career & Technical Education (CTE) Caucus, at a field hearing in Harrisburg to discuss “The Role of Career & Technical Education in Creating a Skilled Workforce: Perspectives from Employers and Stakeholders.”   Reps. Thompson and…

Statement on the Passing of Former State Senator Mike Waugh

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"Christy and I send our heartfelt prayers and condolences to the family and friends of former State Senator Mike Waugh. I had the honor of serving with Senator Waugh in Harrisburg and have known him for nearly 20 years. I visited with him last week and the courage he showed in confronting his recent health issues was a testament to his strength and character. Mike Waugh leaves a legacy…

Statement from Congressman Perry in Observance of Rosh Hashanah

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"As Jewish Americans at home and abroad mark the first of the High Holy Days, I extend my warmest wishes for the New Year. Tonight, families gather in synagogues and homes to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, reflect on the past year and look forward to the new.  As you share in traditional festivities, you renew your commitment to acts of compassion and to the cause of freedom around…

Statement on Continuing Resolution Vote

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“Today’s continuing resolution (H.J.Res. 124) to fund the federal government until December 15th and leave future spending decisions to a lame-duck session of Congress is another clear failure of leadership on behalf of Congress and the Obama Administration. I won’t support such a short-sighted policy and I opposed this bill. Funding the government for weeks at a time creates…

Rep. Scott Perry Statement in Remembrance of 9/11/01

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Rep. Scott Perry released the following statement in remembrance of the horrific events of 9-11-01: “Like most Americans, I remember the morning of September 11, 2001, like it was yesterday. The tragic events of that day affected each of us in different ways, but we all remember where we were and who we were with when we heard the terrible news. While America has begun to heal from…

Statement on President Obama's ISIS Speech

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“Though he has waited far too long to lead on this issue, President Obama finally has begun a serious dialogue with the American people regarding his proposed strategy to combat ISIS. Having no specific detail at this point, I’m generally supportive of his intent, but we’ve heard tough rhetoric before.  The President mentioned tonight that American leadership abroad has been…

Rep. Scott Perry Statement Regarding the Killing of American Journalist James Foley

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Today, Rep. Scott Perry released this statement regarding the killing of American journalist James Foley: “I am saddened, disgusted and angered by the senseless and horrific killing of American journalist James Foley at the hands of ISIS. Mr. Foley was a talented journalist who risked his life on many occasions to provide the public with the news. I extend my thoughts and prayers to his…

House Acts to help Veterans, Strengthen the Economy and Protect Our Borders

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Washington, D.C. – This week, the U.S. House continued its focus on Americans' top priorities – jobs and the economy, providing our veterans with the care they've earned and protecting our borders. The U.S. House has passed more than 350 bills in the 113th Congress that address some of our nation's most pressing needs. While there have been some bi-partisan successes, Congressman Scott…

Congressman Perry Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Help Children / Individuals Suffering from Epilepsy and Other Seizure Disorders

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Washington, D.C. – Currently, more than 300,000 children in American suffer from some form of epilepsy. Many of these children experience more than 100 violent seizures a day- any one of which could be fatal without proper care.  U.S. Representative Scott Perry introduces legislation today, the “Charlotte's Web Medical Hemp Act of 2014”, to ensure that children and individuals with…