Washington, D.C. – The House of Representatives passed the Fiscal Year 2019 Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, HR 6147 with Congressman Scott Perry’s support and policy amendments.
The $35.3 billion proposal establishes funding to combat wild fires on public lands, the operation of the National Park Service (including Gettysburg National… Read more »
Perry listens to witness testimony to learn more about coordinating federal, state and local resources to combat the opioids crisis. The full hearing is available to watch here.
Harrisburg, PA – Congressman Scott Perry continued his efforts to curb the opioid abuse crisis. Perry, chairman of the… Read more »
Washington, D.C.- Congressman Scott Perry offered the following response to U.S. policy at the southern border:
“We must remain a kind and humanitarian country to those who seek freedom, but we’re also a sovereign nation with laws that ultimately determine how we can best control our borders and protect our people. Poor policies from previous administrations have encouraged and… Read more »
Washington, D.C. - This week Congressman Scott Perry supported a barrage of legislation designed to combat the opioid crisis.
“While public policy can’t fight this battle alone, we can do our part to help turn the tide. We’ll continue to coordinate efforts, listen to our first responders, doctors and law enforcement officers and take those thoughts to help shape the changes to our laws… Read more »
Congressman Scott Perry offered the following statement in reaction to President Trump’s summit with North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore:
“President Trump’s summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is a momentous, historic undertaking to be celebrated. While much still must be resolved, the first step in these ongoing discussions potentially will make our world safer. I’m… Read more »
YORK, PA – Congressman Scott Perry congratulates the 4th Congressional District Art Competition winner, Emily Guk, a rising senior at Cedar Cliff High School in Camp Hill, PA. Emily’s artwork Wistfulness was selected by judges from the local art community.
Emily’s artwork will be displayed alongside other winners from each… Read more »
Washington, D.C. - On Thursday, the House considered the FY 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), HR 5515, to close out Military Appreciation Month. Congressman Scott Perry supported the proposal.
“This legislation was critical for our Troops and efforts to ensure our security here at home and around the globe,” said Perry. “I urge its swift passage in the Senate.”
The… Read more »
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Scott Perry voted against the Farm Bill given the lack of necessary reforms.
“This Farm Bill doesn’t do enough to reform the failed sugar policy that is costing Central Pennsylvanians manufacturing jobs. It also doesn’t include reforms to help curb costs to taxpayers, while still ensuring that our smallest family farms get the help they need. We can and… Read more »
Washington, DC - Congressman Scott Perry offered the following statement upon the opening of the United States Embassy in Jerusalem:
“I applaud President Trump’s support of the Nation of Israel and the move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. The move is the fulfillment of a bipartisan promise made to Israel over 20 years ago and reaffirms our commitment… Read more »
Washington, DC - Congressman Scott Perry offered the following statement upon the announcement of the end of US involvement in the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), the Iran Nuclear Deal:
"The Iranian regime is unapologetically hostile toward the United States and our allies - clearly hell-bent on the destruction of Israel and the West, and continually acting with impunity on… Read more »