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Legislative Updates

In the Fight with Congressman Scott Perry

In the Fight


We’re fighting to restore America.


1.       The Falun Gong Protection Act

 I reintroduced my Falun Gong Protection Act, to impose sanctions on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for forced organ harvesting atrocities.


  • Why It Matters: The U.S. can not do business with a regime that profits from the torture of innocent people. This legislation was introduced in multiple Congresses, and I’ll continue pushing until it passes and Communist China is held accountable for these horrors.


  • Dive Deeper: The Chinese Communist Party’s brutal practice of forced organ harvesting against a group of people who simply want to practice their faith peacefully is one of the most horrific human rights abuses of our time. There’s no waiting list for organ transplants in China, because the CCP simply takes them from political and religious prisoners, particularly Falun Gong practitioners. It’s barbaric – at best - and must stop.


2.      Government Waste

 I questioned agency officials during a House Oversight Committee hearing about outrageous waste – particularly with regard to why Taxpayers are footing the bill for decades of mismanagement.


  • Why It Matters: The federal government is forcing Taxpayers to shell out $2 billion every year to maintain vacant government buildings. Under best estimates, federal buildings are at less than 50% occupancy; i.e., HALF are completely unused.


  • Dive Deeper: With an administration finally willing to address government waste, we’re working to cut the bloat and ensure your tax dollars are spent responsibly.


3.      Budget Resolution

 I voted to pass this bill to unlock further negotiations between the House, Senate, and Executive branch. It’s the first step in figuring out how we fund the government while tackling the $2 trillion deficit we run every year.


  • Why This Matters: You’ve probably heard the usual spin about the recently passed budget resolution. To be clear:  this is a framework, not a final budget, and it does not include cuts to Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid.  In fact, these programs aren’t even mentioned in the bill.


  • Dive Deeper: The simple reality is that Washington’s spending is unsustainable. We must find a fiscally responsible path forward. As usual, opponents are distorting the facts for political gain and fear mongering, but the truth is that this bill sets parameters for serious fiscal discussions.  It does not gut essential programs