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Little guy wins in FAA reauthorization

Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today praised Senators Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Rick Scott (R-Fla.) and U.S. Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) for stripping a provision from the FAA reauthorization bill that would have prohibited resale of airplane registration numbers:

“There’s an old saying that you can’t fight city hall, but when it came to the FAA reauthorization this year, the little guy did win, thanks to the efforts of Senators Ted Cruz, Marsha Blackburn and Rick Scott, along with U.S. Rep. Scott Perry, who were instrumental in removing a provision that would have ended resale of airplane registration numbers by four small businesses. Americans for Limited Government got involved because the original House bill would have wiped these small businesses off the map simply because powerful lobbyists wanted it to happen.

“It is fundamentally wrong for government to pick winners and losers by targeting individuals or businesses for deliberate destruction. Fortunately, Cruz, Blackburn, Scott and Perry stood firm against this absurd federal government overreach, resulting in the FAA conducting a study the impacts of the airplane registration numbers. This may be a small issue in a massive bill but it does prove that every once in a while, the little guy can push back win.”

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