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Perry Statement on Election, Violence and Moving Forward

Washington, January 9, 2021 | Jay Ostrich (717-880-0650)

Not unlike my condemnation of the lawless destruction over the summer — and the lack of accountability — lest anyone mistake the actions of those who choose to incite violence as a means to redress their grievances, the actions at our Capitol were unacceptable and criminal, and those who are proven to have perpetrated these crimes should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

We are a nation of laws. The Rule of Law matters; which is why I carried forth an objection during the Joint Session of Congress early Thursday morning. This constitutional crisis called for debate, and represented thousands of voices not only of my constituents, but citizens around the Nation — irrelevant of political party. It also represented the voices of state elected officials who knew that constitutional violations occurred in Pennsylvania‘s electoral process — strong enough in both allegation and proof to at least warrant further investigation before certifying the electoral votes.

While the objection ultimately failed, the constitutional concerns of my constituents were recognized by the Speaker and aired before our Nation in accordance with the sacrosanct process intended by our Founders and codified by the Constitution. Congress upheld its duty, and Joe Biden was certified as President-Elect of the 2020 election.

I accept the results, and have always respected the Office of the President of the United States — regardless of who sits in it. I fully intend, however, to continue to work with my colleagues at the state and federal levels to strengthen election integrity to ensure that these constitutional abuses never happen again. We simply must have — and restore —faith and trust in our electoral system. The future of our Republic, and the millions of Americans who have fought and sacrificed for it, deserve nothing less.