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Perry Signs Police Pledge to Support Law Enforcement Officers

U.S. Representative Scott Perry (PA-10) signed Heritage Action’s Police Pledge, highlighting his unwavering support for our law enforcement officers, and reaffirming his commitment to ensuring the safety and security of our communities. The Pledge commits signers to oppose any bill, resolution, or movement to “Defund the Police.”

“Law enforcement officers in South Central Pennsylvania and across our Nation put on the uniform every single day to selflessly serve and protect our communities. Our police officers have dangerous and difficult jobs, often risking their lives to protect us. Failing to recognize their valuable role in our communities and calling for their defunding is only asking for violence, looting and lawlessness to overtake our communities. I’m proud to sign the Police Pledge to reaffirm my appreciation for our law enforcement officers and my commitment to ensure that the men and women “in Blue” have the necessary support and resources to effectively serve our communities,” said Congressman Scott Perry. 

The full pledge states:

A lawful society—free from mob rule and violent insurrection—is not possible without Law Enforcement.

Police Officers have chosen a noble profession. They dedicate their lives to upholding the law and protecting the sacred rights of their fellow citizens. As a profession, they deserve support and respect.

I stand with America’s Police and pledge to oppose any bill, resolution, or movement to “Defund the Police.”