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Perry Responds to Democrat Impeachment Push

Congressman Scott Perry offered the following statement after Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) launched a formal impeachment inquiry in the United States House of Representatives against President Donald J. Trump:

"Democrats have been trying get rid of this President since before he was even sworn into Office. Speaker Pelosi’s decision to pursue impeachment - based on unsubstantiated, indirect, and anonymous allegations - only shows that she's finally given in to the socialist wing of the Democrat Party. This isn’t about holding the President accountable, or the Rule of Law; it's about political power and undermining the will of the American People - at enormous taxpayer expense - to satisfy the radical left. The real issues in front of Congress are languishing. Citizens across the Country should know whether their Member of Congress - as well as their candidates for Congress - support impeachment, even as it's being considered prior to any 'evidence.'”