Press Releases
Perry Announces Annual Congressional App Challenge
June 26, 2019
Harrisburg, PA – Congressman Scott Perry (PA-10) is excited to announce the start of the 10th Congressional District’s Congressional App Challenge (CAC), an “app” competition for local middle and high school students. The CAC highlights the importance of STEM and computer-based skills and the critical role they play in economic growth and innovation.
The CAC runs through November 1, 2019. The competition is open to all high school students who reside in the 10th Congressional District of Pennsylvania. Winners will have their apps on a display in the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., on and on the Congressional App Challenge website. By some estimates, the United States may need more than a million programmers by 2020. To maintain American competitiveness, it’s crucial that the United States encourage our youth to pursue and acquire these valuable skills. “The earlier we can get our kids involved in STEM education, the better,” said Perry. “The Congressional App Challenge is a great way to get kids interested in these fields and help them discover the value of and develop these skills.” The Internet Education Foundation serves as the operational sponsor of the CAC. For more information about the CAC, please visit or contact my Harrisburg District office at 717-603-4980. |