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Perry Demands Justice for Terror Victims

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Scott Perry led a bipartisan Congressional delegation to call for the extradition of convicted terrorist Ahlam Aref Ahmad Al-Tamimi from Jordan to the United States.

“Al-Tamimi is a convicted terrorist responsible for the murder of 15 people, including two United States citizens and an unborn child, as well as injuring over 100 others. Al-Tamimi is not remotely repentant for her actions, and justice demands that she be held accountable for these acts of terror and murder. I’m calling on the Kingdom of Jordan, which has long served as an ally to the United States in the region, to swiftly extradite Al-Tamimi to the United States, where she can stand trial for her crimes. Our prayers continue for all suffering from this senseless and cowardly act of terror. We seek justice and closure not only for these victims, but for their families and loved ones who now bear this unimaginable grief and loss,” said Congressman Perry.

The move comes on the two year anniversary of the United States Justice Department (DOJ) unsealing charges against Al-Tamimi, for her role in a bombing in Jerusalem which killed 15 people, including two United States citizens, one of whom was five months pregnant. Four other US nationals were among the roughly 122 wounded as a result of the attack.

Al-Tamimi pleaded guilty in an Israeli court in 2003, and was sentenced to 16 consecutive life terms in person, plus 15 years. She served only eight years of her sentence before being released by Israel in 2011 as part of a prisoner exchange with Hamas.

Not only is she unrepentant, Al-Tamimi boasts about her involvement in the Sbarro bombing. In 2011, when asked if she could go back in time, would she carry out such a large-scale attack. Her response: “Of course. I do not regret what happened. Absolutely not. I dedicated myself to Jihad for the sake of Allah, and Allah granted my success.”

The Government of Jordan has refused to extradite Al-Tamimi on the premise that the Jordanian constitution does not allow for legal extraditions – despite cooperation with the US government to extradite Eyad Ismail Najim in August 1995. Perry maintains that this rationale sets a dangerous precedent that creates a de facto safe haven for international criminals in Jordan.

To read the full letter to Secretary Pompeo, please click here.