Press Releases
Perry Calls for International Engagement in Bosnia and Herzegovina Ahead of October Elections
April 17, 2018
Washington, DC – As a Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Congressman Scott Perry contacted the Department of State’s Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs Assistant Secretary Wess Mitchell regarding the upcoming elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).
The letter comes amid growing concerns that the country’s political leaders have failed to adequately address actions taken by the Constitutional Court, the highest court in BiH. The Court struck down a portion of the nation’s election law in December 2016. The letter calls attention to this issue and encourages greater dedication by the US to the region. “As a Service Member once deployed to BiH, I saw firsthand the investment made by the United States to end the armed conflict and bring political peace and stability to the country through the Dayton Accords,” said Congressman Perry. “The United States must remain engaged in BiH and encourage the country’s leaders to work together to resolve the current election law impasse and address concerns surrounding the October 2018 election.” Full letter |