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Perry Calls Balanced Budget Amendment 'Show Vote'

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman Scott Perry offered his support for legislation that would require Congress to balance the budget on an annual basis. The proposal passed on a bipartisan basis through the House of Representatives earlier today.

“I’ve supported a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution every term since I’ve been in office. This proposal has been a long time coming. My personal preference would’ve been to consider this legislation at the beginning of this Congress, rather than in the wake of a budget-busting $1.3 trillion dollar omnibus spending package – which I strongly opposed,” said Congressman Perry. “While I support this bill, we all know it won’t be considered in the Senate, which is a real shame for the hard-working people and businesses throughout Central Pennsylvania and the Nation who have to make tough decisions to live within their means every day; Washington needs to do the same. We passed Tax Reform to energize the economy - and it’s working – but unless we stop spending money we don’t have, Social Security, Medicare, and other vital programs simply will go bankrupt.”

In March, the House passed a $1.3 Trillion Omnibus spending package, after being given 16 hours to evaluate the 2,300 page bill. Congressman Perry did not support the proposal. The now enacted package will fund the government through the end of the Fiscal Year, September 30, 2018.