Press Releases
Perry Calls Balanced Budget Amendment 'Show Vote'
April 12, 2018
Federal Spending
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman Scott Perry offered his support for legislation that would require Congress to balance the budget on an annual basis. The proposal passed on a bipartisan basis through the House of Representatives earlier today.
“I’ve supported a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution every term since I’ve been in office. This proposal has been a long time coming. My personal preference would’ve been to consider this legislation at the beginning of this Congress, rather than in the wake of a budget-busting $1.3 trillion dollar omnibus spending package – which I strongly opposed,” said Congressman Perry. “While I support this bill, we all know it won’t be considered in the Senate, which is a real shame for the hard-working people and businesses throughout Central Pennsylvania and the Nation who have to make tough decisions to live within their means every day; Washington needs to do the same. We passed Tax Reform to energize the economy - and it’s working – but unless we stop spending money we don’t have, Social Security, Medicare, and other vital programs simply will go bankrupt.” In March, the House passed a $1.3 Trillion Omnibus spending package, after being given 16 hours to evaluate the |