Press Releases
Perry Responds to Trump’s State of the Union
January 30, 2018
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Scott Perry offered the following statement in reaction to President Donald J. Trump’s first State of the Union Address:
“The President outlined some the major accomplishments of his first year in office. We saw comprehensive Tax Reform become law, and already see the benefits in terms of bonuses and wage increases for millions Nationwide. We saw the repeal of the Affordable Care Act's Individual Mandate, which required everyone to buy health insurance or pay a fine. We're seeing the decimation of ISIS overseas. We saw a huge rollback of federal regulations that directly resulted in a surging economy. While these are all great advancements, there's still much to do. I’m looking forward to working with the President to secure our borders, deliver on immigration reform and, hopefully, a transportation and infrastructure package to further restore our Nation’s ability to compete globally. I’m hopeful about making strides for real progress in the coming year.” |