Press Releases
Congressman Perry Supports National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)
November 14, 2017
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Scott Perry offered his support for the NDAA conference report yesterday on the House floor. The proposal received bicameral, bipartisan support, clearing the House with 356 votes.
“Keeping our Nation safe from external threats, be it state actors or terrorists, is one of the most critical duties of our government. While no proposal is perfect and we can always look for ways to reduce waste, fraud and abuse, this plan is a step in the right direction. We’ll start with rebuilding our military after decades of degradation and war. I’m glad to be part of the process that ensures our men and women in uniform have access to the resources they need to complete our missions,” said Perry. The NDAA authorizes nearly $700 billion in defense spending - including $626.4 billion in base spending, $20.6 billion for nuclear security programs at the Department of Energy, $65.7 billion for a separate Pentagon war account and a 2.4% pay raise for active duty military personnel. The NDAA also increases active component personnel levels by 7,500 Soldiers, 1,000 Marines, 4,000 Sailors, and 4,100 Airmen. Finally, the NDAA authorizes 90 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, 24 F/A-18 Super Hornets and 13 new Naval vessels. The Senate is expected to vote on the proposal following the Thanksgiving holiday. |