Press Releases
Perry Reacts to AHCA CBO Score
May 24, 2017
York, PA—Representative Scott Perry (R-PA) offered the following statement in reaction to the Congressional Budget Office assessment of the American Health Care Act (AHCA):
“I’ve said from the beginning that this legislation is imperfect, and doesn’t go far enough to end the Affordable Care Act, but inaction wasn’t – and still isn’t – an option. The failed policies of the ACA are driving up the costs of both health care and medical insurance nationwide and the pace is unsustainable. A new Health and Human Services report shows that since 2013, premiums have increased on average nationwide by 105%. The CBO originally predicted that 21 million Americans would have ACA coverage in 2016; yet only about 10.4 million actually gained coverage. To avoid the ACA entirely, more than 19 million people either paid the penalty or claimed an exemption from the individual mandate. This new CBO report also confirms that the American Health Care Act lowers premiums and the deficit. Regardless, the Senate is working on its own bill, which will receive a new CBO score, and then we’ll conference an agreement with yet another CBO score – so this process has a long way to play out.” |