Press Releases
Perry Applauds President Trump after First 100 Days
April 28, 2017
Congressman Scott Perry offered the following remarks to commemorate President Donald J. Trump’s first 100 Days in office:
“Despite many challenges, President Trump has worked diligently to meet his campaign promises and to put Americans first. While our job is far from done, we need to take a moment and look back at the achievements over the last 100 Days. So far, President Trump has signed 28 bills - more than any President since Truman; he has removed job-killing regulations that have saved taxpayers an estimated $18 billion annually; and by actually pledging to follow the laws on the books, he’s driven illegal border crossings to a 17-year low – down 40% from January to March alone. In addition, we’ve seen the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, the first Supreme Court confirmation within 100 days of a new presidency since 1881. Of great importance, we applaud President Trump’s initiatives to protect Americans from unfair foreign competition. From his review of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), to his rejection of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and even to pushing back on subsidized lumber from Canada, he’s putting Americans first. The results speak for themselves: America now has the highest consumer confidence rating since 2001, and a growing economy. We look forward to working with the Administration on issues of healthcare reform, tax reform and the economic policies we need in order to keep moving our Nation forward.” |