Press Releases
Rep. Perry Statement on D-Day Anniversary
June 6, 2016
On this day 72 years ago, nearly 3 million Allied troops readied themselves for one of the greatest military operations in world history—D-Day—and the push that led to Hitler's defeat. Over 160,000 of these Troops landed on the shores of Normandy, France. As they courageously stormed those beaches, General Dwight D. Eisenhower's confident words summarized the incredible significance of their mission: "You are about to embark upon a great crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you", he wrote in a letter sent to Troops before the invasion. The heroism and bravery of Troops from the Allied countries on D-Day has served—and continues to epitomize —the sacrifice necessary for and the honor and will to fight for the defense of our freedom. |