Press Releases
Perry Named to Conference Committee for Transportation Bill
November 6, 2015
WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Scott Perry (PA-4) was named to the Conference Committee tasked with negotiating the differences between transportation bills passed by both the U.S. House and Senate. The House bill was approved yesterday and reauthorizes and reforms federal highway, transit, and highway safety programs for the next six years. The Senate passed its bill earlier this year. “We’ve moved one step closer to strengthening the transportation system, but we need to resolve our differences with the Senate’s bill to get this over the goal line", said House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster. “Congressman Perry brings a strong set of core principles to these negotiations, coupled with a commitment to improving our infrastructure and a demonstrated willingness to work through policy disagreements. He’ll be a valuable member of this Conference Committee.” Rep. Perry serves on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s Subcommittees on: Highways and Transit; Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management; and Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials. He previously was appointed to a special panel to examine the potential of public-private partnerships across all modes of transportation. “We all can see that our infrastructure is crumbling around us. It’s time to stop talking and start doing something about it. The 4thCongressional District is within a 24-hour drive of most of the American economy and a strong transportation network is critical to job creation and improving quality of life here and across the country. This isn’t a perfect bill and there are differences in policy with the Senate – but I’m ready to work with them and get this done.” Learn more about the House transportation bill here: |