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Statement on Election of Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House

Today I supported Paul Ryan for Speaker of the House. I look forward to working with him on our shared goals of enhancing individual freedom and opportunity for all Americans. 

I don’t agree with Paul Ryan on every issue, but he’s been an effective leader on developing conservative solutions to our Nation’s unsustainable debt crisis and many other critical issues. He was the most conservative candidate for Speaker who could've won this election.

To those who say voting for Ryan is “selling out” to the establishment: we wouldn’t even be having a discussion about a new Speaker if the House Freedom Caucus hadn’t challenged the status quo, stood up to leadership and demanded much-needed reforms to a House where special interests currently have more say than you or your Member of Congress. 

Thanks to these efforts, our new Speaker has pledged to pursue a reform agenda that makes the legislative process fair for all Members - Republican and Democrat alike. That means governing from the ground-up - allowing legislation to flow through committees in an open and transparent manner, and enabling Members to offer amendments and help shape bills before the votes. No more secret meetings where 3-4 people are allowed to dictate what's best for the American people behind closed doors while making a mockery of government accountability.

I’ll continue to hold Congressional leadership accountable and will agree to no demand that the House eliminate the motion to vacate the Chair (remove/replace the Speaker).  This motion is a protection for the People, authored by Thomas Jefferson, and we must defend it. We’ll also hold the Speaker to his pledge not to pursue divisive policies like amnesty.

Overall, I’m confident Speaker Ryan clearly and forcefully will articulate a positive, conservative, governing vision that moves our country forward.