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Press Releases

Statement on House Speaker's Race

“I joined with a supermajority of the House Freedom Caucus last night to support Paul Ryan's bid to become the next Speaker of the House. Paul Ryan is the most conservative candidate for Speaker who could secure the necessary votes within the Republican Conference.  Ryan has been a leader on developing conservative solutions to confronting our Nation’s unsustainable debt and other critical issues, has agreed not to pursue divisive policy initiatives such as amnesty, and most importantly, has pledged to reform the current top-down system of governing, where rank-and-file Members of both parties — and the people they represent — have little say in the legislative process. Changing the status quo in Washington is why I joined the House Freedom Caucus. I have concerns about a few of Ryan’s preconditions for serving, but believe that reasonable people can resolve these issues in due time. I intend to keep fighting to honor the promises we made to the people who sent us here and will continue to hold Congressional leadership accountable to that.”