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Press Releases

Statement on House Passage of Two-Month Continuing Resolution

Do you know anyone who thinks our Nation is going in the right direction? I don’t either – but voting for this continuing resolution is tantamount to saying the status quo is just fine. Well it isn’t; and I’m voting no. This legislation didn’t go through the regular appropriations process – which allows Members of Congress to review all government programs to ensure taxpayer money isn’t wasted. Instead, it keeps us flying on budgetary auto-pilot as we cruise towards $19 trillion in debt and keeps funding the Affordable Care Act despite rising premiums and government red tape on families and small businesses.

And we surely can do better than give $500 million in taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood after they likely broke the law by negotiating the sale of fetal body parts. We can provide higher quality health care to women by shifting this funding to federally qualified health centers which offer more comprehensive health services to women and are much more accessible, outnumbering Planned Parenthood clinics by twenty to one. Those who spread the phony argument that Planned Parenthood is the only place where low-income women can get health care are simply trying to mislead the American public in order to shift the focus away from the horrific actions of this organization.