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Statement from Rep. Scott Perry on Vote Against Trade Promotion Authority (TPA)

“Free trade strengthens our economy. I’m a strong proponent of free trade policies that ensure access to overseas markets for American companies and products. Yet ensuring transparency and accountability in government is one of my highest priorities. I opposed the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) bill today in the House because it didn’t do enough to affirm Congress’s authority over international trade and give American citizens a stronger voice during the consideration of trade agreements. This legislation automatically renews TPA authority after three years unless Congress specifically blocks it, doesn’t allow amendments on critical issues like currency manipulation. That’s backwards thinking - we need to provide more accountability and transparency to the trade negotiation process, not less. I’m trying to find solutions and have co-sponsored legislation that requires any trade agreements be made public for 60 days before TPA is voted on. That’s the kind of transparency hard-working taxpayers rightly expect.”