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Statement on House Passage of FY2016 Budget

“Washington must stop spending money we don’t have. By ignoring our $18 trillion debt crisis, Social Security, Medicare and other vital programs continue to drift towards bankruptcy. Yesterday I supported the FY2016 Budget passed by the U.S. House, which confronts the debt crisis that threatens the economic security of every American. 

By balancing in less than 10 years without raising taxes, reducing spending by $5.5 trillion, calling for a fairer, simpler tax code and strengthening Medicare, this Budget puts us on a path to paying off our debt through economic growth and making government more efficient, effective and accountable.

A balanced budget fosters a healthy economy and helps create jobs. That’s why I offered my own balanced budget amendment to the Constitution earlier this year.

Leadership calls for making tough decisions. President Obama has yet to offer a balanced budget during his terms in office. Before he and his allies criticize our plan to balance the budget, they need to stop playing politics and offer their own. We need to take bold action on new solutions to strengthen our economy and provide greater opportunity for all Americans."