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Press Releases

Rep. Scott Perry Statement Regarding the Killing of American Journalist James Foley

Today, Rep. Scott Perry released this statement regarding the killing of American journalist James Foley:

“I am saddened, disgusted and angered by the senseless and horrific killing of American journalist James Foley at the hands of ISIS. Mr. Foley was a talented journalist who risked his life on many occasions to provide the public with the news. I extend my thoughts and prayers to his family, friends and colleagues. ISIS is a threat not only to the people of Iraq and Syria, but also to the stability of the entire region. Its brutal tactics highlight the worst of which humanity is capable. The Administration must provide a serious plan on how we're going to deal with this growing threat - that has been allowed to grow for far too long. I'm also deeply concerned for Steven Sotloff. Mr. Sotloff and his family will remain in my thoughts and prayers for his safe release and return to America."
