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U.S. House Remains Focused on Job Creation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – For the first year of the 113th Congress, the U.S. House of Representatives has consistently focused its efforts on helping to foster an environment for real job growth.  The House has passed nearly 150 bills this year that the Senate has failed to act on.  Many of these bills could help our economy and boost job creation.

“In my discussions with constituents around the 4th Congressional District, the economy and jobs remain the top concern of most constituents, regardless of political ideology,” said U.S. Representative Scott Perry (PA-4). “These solutions will help expand opportunity for everyone – and I hope the Senate will consider our proposals in 2014.”

The House passed a budget earlier this year that balances over the next 10 years and lays the groundwork for a fairer, simpler tax code. While the bipartisan budget agreement that was negotiated with the Senate and passed last week was much smaller in scope, it still reduces the deficit by $23 billion and guarantees that seniors won't lose access to their doctors.

Many bills the House has passed would reform job training programs and expand education opportunities to give Americans the tools they need to find work in a tough economy. The House adopted the Skills Act (H.R. 803) which streamlines dozens of overlapping federal job training programs, and helps connect out-of-work Americans with the training programs they need.

The House also passed bills to promote American energy independence, create jobs, address energy costs, and revitalize manufacturing. Such bills included the Natural Gas Pipeline Permitting Reform Act (H.R. 1900) which streamlines the permitting process for pipelines to increase the supply and reduce the cost of American-made natural gas and help create good paying jobs. On a positive note, two bills to help spur hydropower development, H.R. 267 and H.R. 678, passed the House and were signed into law this year. Hydropower is the largest source of clean, renewable energy in the U.S., creating thousands of jobs (including many in the 4th District) and providing power to millions of Americans at low cost.

Bills to lower health care costs and bolster medical research also passed the House this year. The American Health Care Reform Act (H.R. 3121) sought to address higher premiums, canceled health plans, and burdens placed on small businesses as a result of the President's health care law.  After the Obama Administration announced in July that it would no longer verify whether applicants actually qualify for subsidies under the health care law, the House passed the No Subsidies Without Verification Act (H.R. 2775), which required that only those eligible for taxpayer subsidies should receive them.

Government regulations cost the average American family more than $15,000 each year. The House sought to confront excessive government regulations that act as barriers to stronger private sector growth and job creation. For example, the REINS Act (H.R. 367) requires an up-or-down vote in Congress on any major new regulation with an economic cost of $100 million or more.

Finally, the House maintained efforts to eliminate government waste and promote a smaller and more accountable government. The Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (H.R. 2061) sought to increase transparency by making federal spending data more open and accessible, facilitating efforts to cut spending and help create a better environment for job creation.

“During my first year in office I've continually said we can't keep spending money we don't have and we must reduce barriers for real private sector job growth” said Rep. Perry. “These bills are an example of the continuous effort the House has undertaken to rein in out-of-control government spending and get Americans back to work.”
