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Rep. Scott Perry Statement in Remembrance of 9-11-01

Washington, D.C., September 11, 2013

Rep. Scott Perry released the following statement in remembrance of the horrific events of 9-11-01:

            “I remember the morning of September 11, 2001 like it was yesterday.  This horror affected everyone in different ways, and each of us remembers where we were and whom we were with on that fateful day. While America has begun to heal from the wounds of those cowardly and terrifying attacks over the last decade, the scars remain.

             With each passing year, this anniversary serves as a moment for reflection and a time to remember the brave and selfless acts of our first responders and the ordinary citizens who committed extraordinary acts of heroism. Most importantly, we will never forget the thousands of innocent people who died in New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

              So today I join my fellow Americans in prayer in remembrance of those who lost their lives on that fateful day. I also will pause to remember the selfless men and women at home and abroad defending our freedoms and liberties and to prevent such a horrific day ever again from occurring.  

              Today – and always – Americans will not forget.” 
