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Press Releases

President’s Budget Continues Path to Decline

Today, President Obama released another budget, which continues an unprecedented trend of colossal deficits. The President’s budget forecasts $964 billion in new spending above the rate of growth, would add a staggering $8.2 trillion in new debt and never balances. In addition to spending more, the President has proposed $1.1 trillion in new taxes at a time when 12 million Americans still are without work.

            “Hard-working taxpayers cannot afford any more job-killing new taxes, more harmful regulations and more kicking the can down the road that President Obama’s new budget represents,” said Rep. Scott Perry. “Over 12 million Americans are still out of work because of the President’s harmful policies and we shouldn’t further punish hard-working Americans with higher taxes that will lead to lower wages and destroy more jobs.”

            The President and Senate need to work with House Republicans to actually create jobs instead of thwarting jobs bills like the authorization of the Keystone XL Pipeline. House Republicans have offered a plan to actually balance the budget that will foster a healthier economy to create jobs. It’s time for the President to work with the House to help improve the lives of all hard-working Americans.
